Saturday, April 13, 2013


Spring always brings with it a time of reflection and new beginnings and I always get bogged down with trying to decide how to improve upon last year and how to scrape winter's sludge from my marrow.  I become a melancholic mess this time of year; home sick and sick of being inside walls for months.  I want to stretch my limbs out as far as they will stretch and I want to feel the dull ache of cold slowly dissipate with the sun that creeps forward so stubbornly and with a hitch.  I want to shove my hands down into the mud until it touches my elbows and I want to feel the sharp salt of the ocean air deep inside my nostrils.  I want to listen to the buds on the trees open up; want hear the creak and crinkle of the leaves burst free.  I want to hear the whisper of the daffodil as it shrugs through the soil.  I want to watch the awkward young seagulls toss their clams from 15 stories up, gliding down with determination before their next of kin sabotages the entire operation.  I want to listen to the deep baritone repeat as the fog rolls in, bringing a fuzzy chill that fills every crevice of my skin.  I want to run and run; I want to run until I have exhausted every demon that has been chasing me, until they are all panting and riddled with exhaustion, until I can leave them many harmless miles behind me.  Only then can I slow to a jog. Only then can I let go of winter. Only then can I let go and let spring heal the wounds.  

Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Good Tips from Outside Magazine and a Recovery recipe from me

I was pretty happy to see that I am already covering most of the bases when it comes to Outside Magazines subscribed 'superfoods for workout recovery'.  Of course I would have to replace the whey with Vega Sport Performance Protein.  It is a great vegan alternative because it has branched chain amino acids and L-glutamine.  And it tastes pretty yummy too.  Here is the Outside Article:
Get to Know Your Superfoods

Here is my own favorite post-workout smoothie.  It makes me feel like I'm having a real treat to reward myself for a job well done!
8 to 12 oz almond milk (I use unsweetened vanilla)
1 scoop chocolate Vega Sport Performance Protein
1/2 frozen banana
1/2 cup frozen cherries

Mix all ingredients in a blender and make sure to consume within an hour or two of a tough workout to help with recovery. 

Monday, February 18, 2013

Ready, Set, Go!

I am freeing myself from the deep-freeze blues.  I have officially signed up for the Maine Marathon in October.  I am reading books on sports nutrition and trying to really zero in on the fueling process this year.  It is something I definitely could pay more attention to- carb loading need not always be beer and vegan pizza:)  Sometimes, yes, but not as a norm.

I have also begun working with VegMe!  VegME! is a Maine-based nonprofit working to educate and support Mainers interested in plant-based eating.  VegME!’s efforts are focused on the benefits a plant-based (vegan) diet provides in four areas: hunger, nutrition, animals and environment.  Our mission is to put veg resource with veg need to serve Mainers.  I am having a grand time getting back into the game and hope that you will follow our efforts and join in some of the fun.  In the near future we have many events including a vegan meetup at Zen Chinese restaurant in Portland, 2013 MeatOut brunch at Pepperclub, Meatless Mainers day to name just a few.  Go to our page for more information on any of these.

Lastly, I am dreaming up a concept of a vegan running group.  Runs that end at a veg-friendly restaurant.  If anyone out there wants to take part, please contact me. 

Until next time, keep running, keep vegging, and keep making a difference in the lives of animals, people, and the environment!

Tuesday, January 1, 2013

All Work and No Run Makes Ange a Dull Gal

I haven't been skipping workouts.  Not at all.  I have actually been working harder than usual participating in some High Intensity Interval Training courtesy of Beachbody's Les Mills Combat.  It is actually pretty kick-ass; punches and kicks and burpees galore and with at least an hour 6 days a week. I am feeling more flexible and strong than I have in a while.  Check it out!

All of this said, I was beginning to feel increasingly grumpy.   Now, it is no surprise that I get a bit weird if I don't go for my runs for a long stretch of time but I didn't realize how much I needed that outside time until I spent a couple of weeks working out indoors and on the dreaded treadmill.  The holidays, the 5 hours of daylight a day, and the marvelous snow has forced me inside.  I recently read this great article in Outside magazine that explained some of the possible scientific reasons for this.  I highly recommend the article:  Nature as medicine.

So this morning I bundled up for my 1st run of 2013.  It was a good workout with sidewalks still quite snow-covered so there was some core work and my ankles are quite tender tonight.  It was grueling work and the wind was a bit raw and I was in the best mood I have been in days.  There is something more to it than getting a good sweat on.  I needed to be outside, for the sake of myself and the people around me who have to deal with my cranks.  I ended the morning with a smoothie from the Maine Squeeze- a GreenLight with mango, pineapple, dates, kale and ginger.  Perfection. 

So, if you are feeling less than thrilled about this new year, try heading outside for a wee bit.  You just might be smiling despite the bitter winter chill.