Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Bluefin Tuna Depletion worries



As I embark on this journey, I feel such anxiety and worry about the state of our oceans. It seems as though people have simply blocked things out of their mind.

Take, for instance, the state of bluefin tuna. Between the insatiable American appetite for sushi and the BP oil spill, their numbers are in serious decline worldwide. They did not make it onto the endangered species list, a move that would have protected them in US waters. Many people would say that tuna are good eatin' so, why not? I would say, why wipe out a species when we have more food options than anywhere else in the world? People seem oblivious to the chain reaction that is caused when we wipe out an entire fish population in the ocean.

I have posted a link to two articles. One about the US depletion and one about the Sea Shepherd Conservation Society who are heading to Libyia to try to stop illegal tuna fishing in a war-torn land. Please read them and consider changing your fish choices. Maybe even consider veganism, for a couple of days a week or a lifetime.

Who is to blame for the surge in sushi popularity anyway? I can think of 7 sushi places I could walk to right now! I blame 'Sex in the City'. Did those ladies eat sushi because it seems like the whole world wanted to follow what they did for a few years? I urge you to go out next time you get sushi- order an avo-cuke roll and an Inari maki (sweet tofu pocket stuffed with rice). Yum yum. Seriously. (And I recommend Fuji in Portland because it is great fun to watch the sushi guys behind the bar check out ladies and snicker to each other in Japanese).

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