Sunday, July 17, 2011

heat, well-wishes, and blueberry beer

Portland Harbor was gorgeous on my run this morning. But hot, so very hot. Adding heat and humidity to the mix makes me feel as if I just ate a box of Newman-O's and drank a gallon of soy milk before the run. I felt HEAVY this morning. But I pulled through my 10 slow, sweaty, chafing miles and even had the cheer to stop and admire these three sail boats sitting in the peaceful water.

I spent a great deal of time today thinking about two friends who are going through some really tough times at the moment. My thoughts are with them. Running really gives me time to reflect and send good wishes, if you are into that hippie-dippy shit. Jury is still out as to whether or not I am into that hippie shit, but it certainly doesn't hurt.

I am also going to attempt to begin meditating again. I keep trying and then falling off the wagon. I need me some zen and crap, so I am going to give it another go around. Between that and the running, hopefully I can get this crazy head of mine to slow down a bit.

Take some time today to reflect on someone you know who might need a boost or a well-wish. And I also recommend, if you are so inclined, enjoying a blueberry beer at some point today as well. It is Maine, after all. 90 degrees in Vacationland, and we are just on the verge of blueberry season. What better way to consume blueberries?!

1 comment:

  1. so random that i came upon your blog here. i found your card in my purse this afternoon... i just couldn't place for the life of me how it got there?! then i was peaking at your posts, and realize you posted a raffle prize to the green elephant in portland, WHERE I WAS LAST WEEKEND AND LOVED SO, SO MUCH, and thought... hmm, maybe i got your card there? (do you have your cards there?)

    anyway, this is a really round about way of saying hi, good luck in your training, and fun blog! i'm sometimes into the hippy dippy shit, i ran my first marathon last year, and i remember one of my most favorite parts of my long runs was when i set out a few different miles to dedicate for intentions for people i loved and who carried me through the whole journey.

    nice to meet you!
