Monday, September 12, 2011


This morning I completed the longest run in my training program. Then I had a smoothie. Then I took an epsom salt bath. Then I cooked some vegan pancakes. Now I feel lucid enough to write!

My journey brought me out to the Maine Audobon Society in Falmouth where a wedding was being held. I decided to backtrack when I got to the wedding party, rather than have one of their wedding memories be of 'that sweaty smelly jogger that panted and grunted by just as I was about to say I do'. The trails were just gorgeous and the weather is perfection. I stopped by Mackworth island on my way back into town as well. Portland is just full of spectacular trails. I am not begging to feel the full effects of running through fields of golden rod. My nose is so itchy it is distracting me from how tired my legs are.

My legs started to get pretty rubbery around the island. I felt like my feet weren't really connected to me and they were twisting round in a frightening manner but I was able to pull it together enough to continue through. I made some medjool dates stuffed with almond butter, chia seeds, dried chopped mango, and shredded coconut and that seemed to work as well as the cliff shots, though perhaps not as instantaneous. I think I will bring some on marathon day- maybe add some cacao nibs or something else with a bit of caffeine. I also carried a water bottle that I refilled at fountains and brought small packets of Ultima- I am on a pretty major quest to lighten my environmental impact as many ways as I can. I had my water belt but actually ended up carrying the bottle most of the way and that seemed fine.

Back in downtown Portland, I decided a smoothie at Maine Squeeze Juice Bar was the best reward and was thrilled to see a sign advertising 'vegan specialty food coming soon'. I got a smoothie called 'Fast as Light'- spinach, sunflower seeds, almonds, ginger, dates, and some other stuff. I must say it may have tasted better than any other smoothie I have ever had. My bath felt restorative and my pancakes (vegan peach pancakes with almond butter and maple syrup) were downright heavenly. Now I am hanging out with my loyal editor, Jonas the kitty, and trying to get the motivation to move again.

The strangest thing happened moments ago: I opened up a beautiful picture of the Sea Shepherd ship in London and just began crying. Dude! I think I have repressed emotion- some sort of shock that this is really all coming together and intense joy that I am finding a way to help. And perhaps runner's high = runner's cry. I dunno but it was bizarre.

The best part of this moment is the realization that now the tapering begins. Shorter runs, more rest, and race day very near!

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