Saturday, August 1, 2009

It is official!

The results are in. I accomplished a personal best on an 80 degree day along the beautiful coast of Maine! I finished at 54:50 and for not being a 'real' runner, I feel pretty good about an 8.79 mile. It was even a bit faster than I thought. I came in 2,390 out of 5,613. It felt really really good to pass people and not so bad as usual being passed. I had fun hanging out with co-workers who I had never really spoken to and who were extremely supportive and enthusiastic. I finally feel like an 'insider' when it comes to running! The only problem is that I couldn't sleep last night so I am beat. So, it is a glass of celebration wine then off to bed. Congrats goes out to all 5,613 strong people of the Beach to Beacon!

1 comment:

  1. Woo hoo!!!

    Where are your more recent updates, woman!
