Sunday, November 27, 2011

So strange

So strange to have everything all wrapped up for my marathon and fundraising! I had my raffle, sent the money to Sea Shepherd, they have cashed the check. It is all buttoned up and complete and now I feel a bit restless and purpose-less. I am so very pleased to have raised at least $1700 for the cause. I believe some people donated directly to the Sea Shepherd home page rather than my race page, so those donations weren't recorded.

Thank you thank you thank you to everyone who was in my corner for the entirety, or even for a second, during this journey.

Stay tuned for more running adventures, conservation and animal rights information, and the infrequent bursts of intelligence/ brilliance I may have. After a much-needed technology fast, I am back in business!

Monday, October 3, 2011

Maine Marathon Complete!

Well, I did it. With every one's love and support I ran 26.2 miles- only stopping for a bathroom and to sip gatorade. Came in at 4 hours, 3 minutes which put me at 312 out of about 900. For women marathoners, I was 93 out of 395 and in my division I was 19 out of 58. I am pretty content with that for a first timer, though I gotta shave about 20 minutes off if I am going to qualify for Boston. Yup, crazy as it is, next year is already on my mind. This morning I am very hungry, very sore, very chaffed from running in a freaking pouring rain but happy and feeling blessed because so many people were there for me through this journey.

I did hit the 'wall' as they call it so the last 6 were hell on earth. So I thought hard about why I was doing this- thought about Sea Shepherd and whales and my friends and family who pledged money to this cause because they love me and support me in all of my crazy endeavors. I am sure I will write more about this when it all sinks in...I am still processing the fact that it is over after all of that preparation!

Monday, September 26, 2011

Raffle Prizes Update

The lastest raffle prize list is still August 18th and 28th. The raffle will be held November 12 at the Gentle Thanksgiving vegan meetup. I am waiting to hear final word on a couple more prizes and will hopfully have a comprehensive list soon. I also must add a beautiful piece of pottery my good and talented friend, Ashley Bench created. It looks like the ocean and is valued at $75. It will be a piece of a prize package- just didn't want to leave it out!

Thai Yoga Massage

One of my lovely raffle prizes is a Thai Yoga Massage. Since a few of you have asked what it is, here is the description Laura gave me as well as a link to her blog. Sounds heavenly!

"Thai Yoga massage is essential passive Yoga. The practitioner guides and supports the recipient through a series of stretches and postures incorporating compressions, palming and thumbing the sen energy lines and pressure points. The mindful flow of Thai Yoga bodywork leaves one feeling more aligned with a greater sense of calm and body awareness in addition to being invigorated and energized."

Thursday, September 22, 2011

Fast food healthy vegan style

I needed a quick dinner tonight and was very pleased with the inexpensive meal I came up with:

leftover brown rice (I usually keep some in the fridge)
can of Amy's Low Sodium Lentil Veggie soup
1/2 bag Whole Foods Frozen Kale
Braggs liquid aminos
Organicville Sky Valley Sriracha Sauce

simmer soup and kale together until hot. Add brags and sriracha to taste. Serve over warmed rice. Yum!

Monday, September 12, 2011

Sea Shepherd passing under Tower Bridge, London

This is the picture that made me cry!


This morning I completed the longest run in my training program. Then I had a smoothie. Then I took an epsom salt bath. Then I cooked some vegan pancakes. Now I feel lucid enough to write!

My journey brought me out to the Maine Audobon Society in Falmouth where a wedding was being held. I decided to backtrack when I got to the wedding party, rather than have one of their wedding memories be of 'that sweaty smelly jogger that panted and grunted by just as I was about to say I do'. The trails were just gorgeous and the weather is perfection. I stopped by Mackworth island on my way back into town as well. Portland is just full of spectacular trails. I am not begging to feel the full effects of running through fields of golden rod. My nose is so itchy it is distracting me from how tired my legs are.

My legs started to get pretty rubbery around the island. I felt like my feet weren't really connected to me and they were twisting round in a frightening manner but I was able to pull it together enough to continue through. I made some medjool dates stuffed with almond butter, chia seeds, dried chopped mango, and shredded coconut and that seemed to work as well as the cliff shots, though perhaps not as instantaneous. I think I will bring some on marathon day- maybe add some cacao nibs or something else with a bit of caffeine. I also carried a water bottle that I refilled at fountains and brought small packets of Ultima- I am on a pretty major quest to lighten my environmental impact as many ways as I can. I had my water belt but actually ended up carrying the bottle most of the way and that seemed fine.

Back in downtown Portland, I decided a smoothie at Maine Squeeze Juice Bar was the best reward and was thrilled to see a sign advertising 'vegan specialty food coming soon'. I got a smoothie called 'Fast as Light'- spinach, sunflower seeds, almonds, ginger, dates, and some other stuff. I must say it may have tasted better than any other smoothie I have ever had. My bath felt restorative and my pancakes (vegan peach pancakes with almond butter and maple syrup) were downright heavenly. Now I am hanging out with my loyal editor, Jonas the kitty, and trying to get the motivation to move again.

The strangest thing happened moments ago: I opened up a beautiful picture of the Sea Shepherd ship in London and just began crying. Dude! I think I have repressed emotion- some sort of shock that this is really all coming together and intense joy that I am finding a way to help. And perhaps runner's high = runner's cry. I dunno but it was bizarre.

The best part of this moment is the realization that now the tapering begins. Shorter runs, more rest, and race day very near!

Saturday, September 10, 2011

Autumn Air

This is the weather I wait for, though I never know it until it arrives. It seems I would 'get it' after 33 years. I just ran the boulevard- 64 degrees with crisp clean air that even smells a bit like fall. I am itching to go hiking. I am eager to take on my next running challenge- to take up trail running. After the marathon I am going to pick up some minimalist shoes and hit the trails just in time for leave peeping and new snowfalls. And perhaps some running snowshoes this winter....
If I am going to remain in New England I want to embrace each season full on. I want to try snowboarding this winter, so that I might be one of those people that prays for snow. I want to swim indoors this winter so that I will not be afraid to try stand-up paddling next spring. I want to hit the gym and climb rock walls and run through snow storms. As I stare into the face of my 34th birthday, I want to take advantage of this body while it is at it's strongest. I am not afraid of 34. After this marathon, I will be able to do anything. Watch out world, because here I come!

Friday, September 9, 2011

Vegan Althlete Bad-asses!

My previous post proved that I am getting by with vegan nutrition but there are a few athletes that bring it to the next level. Here are
a few of my heroes!

Brendan Brazier- vegan triathalete and creator of VEGA products. (

Scott Jurek- ultra-marathoner who is rumored to bring pita and hommus on this long runs! (

Rip Esselstyn- former triathalete, Texas firefighter, and author of 'Engine 2 Diet'. (

These 3 are my heroes but we can include Mac Danzig -UFC, John Salley- basketball player, Prince Fielder- baseball player. These are only a few. If you are interested, google vegan athletes and prepare to be impressed at where a plant-based diet can get you!

Oh yeah, and he is not an athlete but let us add former President, Bill Clinton to the bad-asses list!

What do you eat?

I have had a lot skepticism in all of my 'athletic' endeavors about my vegan diet. People seem to equate red meat with strength. People worry about my protein. They worry about my iron. They say things like 'how are you working out that much and not eating meat'. Just looking at me should dispel the stereotype of waif-ish, weak vegan. I am...big-boned let us say. But seriously, I am far from skinny and build muscle pretty easily. I lift 4o pound boxes of bananas and 50 pound bags of potatoes daily. And I do so without eating animals! Here is what a typical day looks like.

Pre-run VEGA Sport performance optimizer (Thanks to my friends in Whole Body at Whole Foods for thinking of me when they had to mark a bunch out)

Post-run Good old-fashioned banana with a shmear of almond butter or peanut butter

Breakfast breakfast is usually oatmeal (Maine Grandyoats rolled oats) with dried fruit and nuts or vegan pancakes if I have done an exhausting run and need something fun.

Morning Snack Spelt Right Everything Emma bagel or sprouted grain bagel with 1/2 avocado spread on it. Maybe a splash of hot sauce if I'm feeling wild

Lunch I usually try to get in some raw greens- a salad with beans of tofu or tempeh. My current obsession is Curried Mango Tempeh salad from cookbook 'Vegan with a Vengeance'

Dinner dinner is often quinoa and kale with beans or broccoli tofu stir-fry over brown basmati rice. Of course I never turn down Silly's, Green Elephant, Pepperclub, Flatbread, Portland Pie....I am so lucky to have so many veg-friendly spots.

Snacks Whole Foods Sesame tofu is going to be the death of me. I am seriously addicted, I think. I am also a night snacker...cashews, chocolate chips, left-over whatever. I have been trying to control that beast

Other For long runs I hydrate with coconut water or mix up an Ultima electrolyte powder with water. Ultima is the bomb- no sugar (unlike Gatorade and Vitamin Water), vegan friendly and very environmentally friendly since you can mix it in your resusable water bottle. I decided not to eliminate beer completely from my diet while training. Moderation is the key and Portland is full of so many great bars with so many great local brews that are also vegan friendly. Now that I head down home stretch though, I am going to abstain and eat my veggies.

When I punch a day's food into, it is never protein and definitely not fiber I am low on. Surprisingly, it is often carbs. Oh, and it is lovely to see the saturated fat and cholesterol columns reading zero! Take that, doubters!

Sunday, August 28, 2011

new raffle prize and raffle date

I have a new prize to add to the list-

Pamper Me Prize
A natural pedicure complete with vegan polish from Groom in Portland (
Any salon service at Head Games Hair up to $85 value (

These two will be given as one prize. I have decided to extend the raffle sales until the Gentle Thanksgiving meetup on November 12 in order to allow more time to sell tickets for such great prizes, and also to give me an audience to announce the prizes! The money will still all go towards the marathon funds- I will be giving thanks that it is over! Go to to register for the Maine Vegan Meetup Group and to rsvp for the event. (You will not have to be present to win, though we would love to see you).

Thursday, August 18, 2011

Raffle Prizes as of 8/18

Here is a list of raffle prizes. I am grouping some things together as I see fit. Right now with all of the prizes, chances of winning are pretty good. Get your tickets today!

*Bard Coffee Gift Basket

*Whole Foods Prize gift basket and gift card

*Sweets and Prize- 13th Cookie Cookies and Merchandise and dessert of your choice from Modern Vegan

*Merchandise Prize-wallet and book from Herbivore Clothing
t shirt from Pangea's online vegan shop
copy of book 'Lucky Pigs' by Susan Rooker

*Dinner and a Massage-$50 gift card to Green Elephant and a thai yoga massage by masseuse Laura Vecchio

*Go Shopping Prize- 5 20% off coupons for Rosemont market and a gift certificate for Vegan Essentials online shop

*Eat in Portland- $40 gift card for Pepperclub/ Good Egg
$25 gift card for Silly's
$25 gift card for Sebago Brewing

I expect a few more so I will update as we go. Let people know about it and contact me for tickets!

Monday, August 15, 2011


I am very excited to read two books I just picked up from the Portland Public Library.

'The fate of Nature: Rediscovering Our Ability to Rescue the Earth' by Charles Wohlforth

'Demon Fish: Travels through the Hidden World of Sharks' by Juliet Eilperin

new raffle goodies from two lovely ladies

I have new raffle prizes to announce from two lovely ladies that I know:

A Thai Yoga Massage by masseuse Laura Vecchio

Winner's choice of vegan dessert by Chris McClay of Modern Vegan.

massage. dessert. lordy, I know some cool folks. BUY SOME RAFFLE TICKETS. To do so contact me at

Sunday, August 14, 2011

Sweet Sixteen

I conquered 16 miles today after setting out to do 14. It felt pretty damn good to have the energy to go a couple of more once I hit my goal. I felt strong and am running long distances in about 9 minutes 30 seconds, just 30 seconds away from my 9 minute per mile goal. I am learning that the secret is about 100 calories every hour. It really cuts down on the bonking problem.

The unfortunate part of the day was having to work immediately after 16 miles. I felt very drowsy but made it through and celebrated when I got home by a long bath, a peak organic Pomegranate Wheat Ale and vegan nachos.

I am going to continue my celebration with one more peak and a vegan whoopie pie. Some may say all of this indulging is counter-productive but I say I should celebrate pushing my body farther than it has ever gone before. I just must not think that I still have 10.2 more to add to it October 2!

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Thanks to my Bro

I just had to write a post about my sweet brother, Joe and his lovely gal, Sarah. While biking last night, they came across a starving kitty under the porch of an abandoned building. They put the cat in a room in the building, went back for the car, got the cat, fed it, and brought it to the animal shelter in town. They told me there is an unlocked enclosure outside where they left the cat. While there, they noticed another cat someone had dropped off in a cardboard box and made sure that animal had food as well. I checked out the place online and it looks top notch. Lucky kitty! I hope she is getting all of the care she needs.

And while on the subject of cats, Jonas loves it when I get new sneakers as much as I do!

Whale Poop and New Shoes

A friend at work taught me about something I never considered before: the benefits of Whale Poo!

Not only are they intelligent, beautiful and social beings, but their shit does the ocean good. Even more of a reason to save them.

On a different not, I just received new kicks a few days ago. I decided that it might be a good idea to break them in with my 12 mile run on Sunday. I suppose that wasn't the most intelligent of decisions because my hips hurt so bad through that night it was waking me up. (I really need to find a way to work massage into my budget). The good news is only one very small blister and a great purple pair of Asics Gel Nimbus. Thanks to my awesome mother for donating a pair of shoes to my cause. THANKS MOM!

Thursday, August 4, 2011

The Beast that is my Belly

Damn, it is a good thing I like to run. I am sure there are people who hate to run that feel drawn toward the challenge of the marathon, but I cannot imagine the months of mental turmoil they must face. Running is my meditation and I still feel myself cursing the morning every once in a while and wish I could be having a 'normal' summer of boozing and lazing on days off. That said, I had a really great run today after taking two days off (actually following scheduled rest days on my training plan for once). I felt strong and ran fairly hard the entire 8.5 miles. I think I averaged about 8.6 minute miles when all was said and done. I am shooting to do the marathon in under 4 hours, which means sustaining 9 minute miles and pushing at the end.

I think my solution would be to drop five pounds by October 2, though I am finding it tough to find the balance between enough calories to sustain these crazy long runs and too many calories justified by these crazy long runs. I seem to be a bottomless pit on my rest days, and assume this may be because my body is healing itself. But I need to tame the beast that is my belly. I need to teach it who is in charge. I need to deny it vegan pizza. I have an especially unfortunate addiction to Whole Foods Sesame tofu- fried tofu pieces sauced up with this sweet and savory sesame magic. It is cheap, and in the place I spend 8 hours 5 times a week. Damn you, sesame tofu. Damn you all to hell.

Wish me luck on my belly battles!

Sunday, July 31, 2011

Running the Demons

Twelve solid miles really gives one time to run some of the demons out of one's head. I also spent some time thinking about the ladies who are participating in Tri for a Cure in south Portland today. It is a great event with great people and I wish them all the best.

My music was treating me right this morning. I settled into my rhythm with some Chili Peppers, played the new Decemberists album midrun, and brought it home with some Rollins Band. Henry is the perfect little kick in the butt when I feel like walking.

Post run I had a bagel with veggie tofu spread and a apple juice. It just might be a good Sunday.

Friday, July 29, 2011


I cannot say enough about the generosity of the friends and family around me. I am also making new friends through my efforts. I am up to $710 dollars that have been donated towards my race through my Sea Shepherd donation page. I believe I will easily surpass my goal of $2000 at this rate (and hopefully finish my marathon in my goal of under 4 hours). The Sea Shepherd organization is needing the support right now, with one of their most important vessels currently detained.

I have received a couple of new raffle prizes as well. Grace Restaurant in Portland will be donating a gift card- amount TBD. Grace has been keeping a vegan entree on their menu, a rare find in a fine-dining establishment. I had the current vegan stir fry with thai basil pesto- it was gorgeous. Bard coffee, by far one of the coolest spots in town, will be donating a gift card or basket. Finally, the always lovely and generous Meg Wolff will be donating a copy of 'Life in Balance: Delicious, Plant Based Recipes for Optimal Health'.

As for the training, after struggling through the hot spell, the mild weather feels wonderful. I had a nice easy run today and will probably do the same tomorrow. I hope it isn't still this drenching rain but I can't let the weather slow me down. I feel strong and capable. Now it is a matter of, with two months left, eating clean, living clean, getting rest, and spending the time on the pavement and trails to teach my muscles to keep me moving along unreasonable distances.

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Thank yous

I spent my 8.5 mile tempo/ goal pace run reflecting on all of the people that I already have to thank for all that is happening with my marathon.

Thanks to all of the people who have already generously donated on my Sea Shepherd web page. I do not have a complete list yet but I think I know who you are. Thank you so so much.

Thanks to all of the businesses and individuals donating to the raffle. I have been overwhelmed by the generosity of people around me.

Thanks to Sarah Conroy for designing an awesome flyer and agreeing to sell raffle tickets at the ever-popular Vegan Meetups. Thanks to Robin Watts for also agreeing to try to sell some ticks,

Thanks to Donald McEwan- a stranger who told me about a whale rescue filmed and on youtube, who is now a friend and involved and spreading the word about my race all the way in Kentucky!

Thanks to my mom who always warns me not to run when it is too hot, not to run when it is too early or too late, not to run when I am too tired, not to run too far. I know she will be there the day of the marathon to tell me not to stop! She is the definition of unconditional love. Oh yeah, and she is donating my next pair of running shoes which I may need soon because my Asics are getting hole-y and my baby blue Nike Airs hurt my feel terribly.

Thanks to every friend of mine who encourages this crazy plan. I mean, running 26.2 miles just because is not a sane endeavor. Thanks for every person who has said I look like I am in great shape on days I am not feeling it.

Thanks to Sea Shepherd Conservation Society for all that they do- the donors, the volunteers. Thanks to Paul Watson and the ship crews who put their very lives on the line to save the oceans. Thanks to Sheryl Bryner, a lady with a million things to do, who jumped at my idea and made it all happen by getting me a great donation web page.

And I am not done thanking. Stay tuned for more mushy thanks yous.

Sunday, July 17, 2011

Raffle Prizes So Far


Cookbook and wallet from Herbivore clothing (

$50 gift card for Green Elephant (

$25 gift card for Silly's (

$40 gift card for Pepperclub or Good Egg (

$25 gift card for Sebago Brewing (

Gift Card from Whole Foods (amount TBD)

Gift Basket from Whole Foods (

Gift certificate from Vegan Essentials Online Store ( (amount TBD)

5 20% off coupons from Rosemont Market- all 5 as one prize (

Copy of 'Lucky Pigs' by Susan Rooker (

heat, well-wishes, and blueberry beer

Portland Harbor was gorgeous on my run this morning. But hot, so very hot. Adding heat and humidity to the mix makes me feel as if I just ate a box of Newman-O's and drank a gallon of soy milk before the run. I felt HEAVY this morning. But I pulled through my 10 slow, sweaty, chafing miles and even had the cheer to stop and admire these three sail boats sitting in the peaceful water.

I spent a great deal of time today thinking about two friends who are going through some really tough times at the moment. My thoughts are with them. Running really gives me time to reflect and send good wishes, if you are into that hippie-dippy shit. Jury is still out as to whether or not I am into that hippie shit, but it certainly doesn't hurt.

I am also going to attempt to begin meditating again. I keep trying and then falling off the wagon. I need me some zen and crap, so I am going to give it another go around. Between that and the running, hopefully I can get this crazy head of mine to slow down a bit.

Take some time today to reflect on someone you know who might need a boost or a well-wish. And I also recommend, if you are so inclined, enjoying a blueberry beer at some point today as well. It is Maine, after all. 90 degrees in Vacationland, and we are just on the verge of blueberry season. What better way to consume blueberries?!

Saturday, July 16, 2011

Raffle Prizes Update

- $25 gift card from Sebago Brewing
- $40 gift card from PepperClub/ Good Egg

Did my quickest jaunt around back bay today- 8 minute miles. God, I wish I could be that fast all the time! Perhaps if I quit making vegan mango coconut pancakes for breakfast...nah, unlikely! They were so very yummy and worth a couple of pounds weighing me down.

Monday, July 11, 2011

Herbivore Clothing Raffle Prize

I know some of you are not on Twitter and don't want to be so here is a pic of the Herbivore clothing wallet and book (

raffle update

I am constantly trying to get more raffle donations. Whole Foods (my lovely people) will be giving me a gift card and a Whole Body gift basket to raffle off. I am damn lucky to work where I do!

I am hoping to have all kinds of prizes to hand out. Now I am working on trying to find places to sell tickets. More to come...

Saturday, July 9, 2011

Twitpic - Share photos and videos on Twitter

Twitpic - Share photos and videos on Twitter

Here is a picture of the goodies Herbivore Clothing sent for the raffle. ( It is the cutest faux leather birdie wallet and an awesome cookbook. I will raffle them together as one prize.

Twitpic - Share photos and videos on Twitter

Twitpic - Share photos and videos on Twitter

Here is a picture of Vegan Brooklyn Pad Thai that I cooked tonight from Vegan with a Vengeance. I have decided I will cook one new recipe a week, the night before my long run. Anyone who has been in my house knows that I have a bit of a cookbook addiction- I am a hoarder of sorts. Now I can feel justified.

The Pad Thai came out great, despite lack of lemongrass. It really came together quickly once I had everything chopped up. I want to prove to anyone who might be reading that vegan food is so very far from boring. I highly recommend anything by Isa Moskowitz or Sarah Kramer. They are both bad-ass, cool as hell ladies who are bringing funky vegan cuisine to the masses. Both are perfect for someone new to vegan land.

Thursday, July 7, 2011

more raffle fun

So many people are coming through with prizes...the following are on board with prizes to be determined:
Whole Foods (
Herbivore Clothing (

I am hoping to have a couple to announce every day.

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

And Running...

Yesterday I did speed work on Back Cove. 1/4 mile sprints (or however far I could go just short of passing out) in 85 degree weather. It was pretty brutal and I am still shocked at the amount of sweat my body produces. Not very sexy at all.

This morning was hill work. The humidity still feels high and I am pretty sure the pollen or ragweed or something is slowly suffocating me. East End Beach area is great for hill repeats, though the people sipping their coffee on the benches overlooking the bay were looking at me like I may be a wee bit of a wackadoodle.

And now my quads feel like it would be a really good idea to go at them with one of those meat tenderizer mallets. Damn my vegan ways, I don't think I have one. To ad to the agony, I am meant to go hiking tomorrow. Ouch.

Raffle It Up

People are starting to really come through as I look for raffle prizes. I have decided to hold a raffle to raise $$ and awareness for my run and Sea Shepherd Conservation Society. The prizes thus far are as follows:

$25 gift card for Silly's (
$50 gift card for Green Elephant (
5 20% off coupons for Rosmemont Market (
Gift Card for Vegan Essentials Online Vegan Store ( amount TBD
Gift card for Pepper Club ( -amount TBD
Copy of 'Lucky Pigs' by Susan Rooker

This is ongoing so I will have more to announce as time goes on. Thanks so so much to everyone who already committed.

Tickets will be $2 or 3 for $5. Please contact me to buy or help me to sell.

Monday, July 4, 2011

Yesterday was my longest run so far. I did a 12-miler and averaged 9 minute 14 second miles- just a bit above my goal pace. I think that I ran the entire thing on pure anger as I was having a very, very bad day. But, once again, I was reminded how running becomes therapeutic for me and all of the ugliness in my head dissipates for a time. I really don't know how I stayed sane before I can a runner because it is definitely my anti-anxiety drug!

I am loving my android phone technology that uses my GPS in my phone and gives me 5 minute updates on distance, time, and pace. It means I don't need to use a track or the boulevard for those distances and that makes me a happy runner.

This week my goal is to put in 8 hours or so in the fund-raising department. As my training really takes off, I find the time for the other legwork is lacking. I hope to reach out to area businesses for raffle prizes so that I might try to raise further funds with a vegan raffle. Silly's, Green Elephant, and Rosemont Market have already been very generous and I want to add to the pile before I start selling tickets.

I am going through some challenges right now- non running or fundraising related- that may put the blog on hold for a short time. Those of you who read this, please keep me in your thoughts and wish me luck.

Thursday, June 30, 2011

Missing Vacation and Friendly People

Here is a picture of Echo Lake in Presque Isle. I spent a good deal of time adventuring around Aroostook State Park and this was a picture taken from my favorite day of vacation. My mother and I rented 2 brand-new kayaks from the park and just spent the afternoon paddling around. It was a wonderful recovery week before crunch time.

I have decided to graduate from my beginner running plan to the intermediate because I feel the beginner isn't really challenging at this point.

Logged 70 minutes today with about 8 minutes of total uphill time. It ended up being about 7.8 miles when all was said and done. This puts me at 8.75 minute miles. My marathon goal is to keep it a bit below a 9 minute mile so I am at a good point with three months to go.

I had a great run tonight. Lots of smiles from passers by. The most wonderful moment of the run, though, was on East End beach trail when a girl- probably about 10 years old- slapped my a high five as I passed her. So cool. I wish Portland always had the energy it did tonight. As I sit here I can see the salt lining my arms. Time for a shower and some grub. I am thinking a quick fake mac and cheez with brocolli. Yum!

Thursday, June 23, 2011


Well, I managed quite a successfully restful vacation. I say restful, but the entire week was pretty full of activity and sport. I managed not to run even once but hiked and kayaked and even golfed for the first time besides a driving range. It seems watching lots of golf on television teaches one a thing or two about the swing because I did alright considering it was my first time.

Kayaking may be my favorite activity besides running. There is nothing more relaxing than being out on a still lake, hearing and feeling the water rush around the sides of the boat, pulling the paddle smoothly across the top of the water, causing an interruption in the otherwise flawless reflection. There was a beaver a beaver mansion and a seeming mile of lilly pads. It is a restorative, therapeutic past time for me and I hope it is only the beginning of a life long hobby.

The hiking was gorgeous though buggy. I did try a wee bit of sprinting toward the summit which gave me a stronger understanding of how delightfully crazy mountain runners are. Damn, it burns. And now I am afraid I may be a couple of days away from a run yet. My foot was munched upon by some insect and is now swollen like a little ol' ladies. It is itchy and gross and hopefully not infected. Oh, Maine. Summer is so short and the black flies are so mean.

Friday, June 17, 2011

Forks over Knives

I just finished watching Forks Over Knives (, a documentary about the amazing medical benefits of a plant based diet. The movie was completely inspiring, even as someone who is already sold on the idea. The whole foods aspect of a healthy diet is so, so important and one that I tend to sometimes neglect because, when busy, vegan processed 'junk' food sure comes in handy. But as a vegan and, dare I say, athlete- I should always be making time to fuel my body the correct way. Half-assed nutrition is not for marathoners! Besides, I suppose you could say bananas are pretty convenient. Oh yeah, and nuts. Perhaps apples. Even those tiny little carrots that come all washed in a bag. So, yeah, handy might be an excuse for eating stuff that feels good.

I can't even begin to discuss all of the poignant things I learned in this film. The most striking statistics are the ones that claim we could feed all of the starving people in the world with the grain that we feed cows to fatten them up for burgers. Seriously, people- we could solve world hunger. Not to even mention heal our bodies and the environment. And why don't we? Because we like our burgers and food and politics are so wrapped up together that it is a problem even my cashew puree 'mac and cheez' can't even sort it out.

I enjoyed seeing the athletes in the film and wish that there had been more footage to support the fact that people can be strong on plants. Mac Danzig and Rip Esselstyn are amazing and proof that vegans can be very manly indeed. The wimpy vegan should really be a stereotype of the past.

I hope that running this marathon will show people how damn healthy a plant- based diet is. In order to be the best advocate for that, I pledge to eat as healthy as possible so people can see how I thrive. I hope I can make 26.2 miles look easy...and sexy:)


As I prepare a trip to visit my mother in Aroostook county, I am gearing up for a 'recovery' week filled with outdoor adventure. I will run only as I feel like it- no schedules or times. But I will be hiking and kayaking in one of the most beautiful, untouched places in Maine.

I have been thinking a lot about how the city dweller lifestyle has taken some of the nature-lover and adventurer out of me lately and I am really hoping that this trip will revive that. I have always wished to be someone who spends time outside doing things a bit more daring than my comfort level. Truth is, I am in better shape then ever so now is the time. I believe I am going to check out the Maine Rock Gym when I return. I also want to take advantage of the kayaking trips right here in Portland. It looks very affordable to be a kayaker without having your own kayak! Lastly, I am considering starting a trail-running club with co-workers at Whole Foods. Trail running is much safer and more fun in numbers.

I feel like I really need to embrace my current physical fitness and become one of the outdoor-types that I admire so deeply. I think it is crucial that we stay connected to this big wide world- to this endangered environment. It is necessary to be reminded why it is so important to fight to save it!

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Putting the Fun Back In

If you are a technical runner focused on splits, PRs, track work and such, this is probably going to make you cringe: I have decided to switch to a marathon training plan that measures runs by time not distance. My previous plan is proving to be a lot of time spent mapping routes or doing routes like back cove with mile markers. It seems to be taking the fun out of running for me. With this change, I can put on my shoes and hit the road and all I need to do is set my watch. As far as hills go, I will still do some repeats but I run really hilly runs anyway. I will do some speed work as well but that is about as technical asI am going to get. I have always found running to be meditative and I really don't want to lose that aspect of it, marathon or not. Following a training plan that is too technical makes it seem more like work. I think that supplementing the training with Insanity workouts is really helping.

Today will be a 40 minute run, Insanity max cardio conditioning and cardio abs.

Thursday, June 9, 2011

bad air

So I went out for my hour run this morning, feeling strong and well fueled from the previous day. Alas, the entire run was a struggle. I felt heavy. I couldn't get my lungs to fall into rhythm with my feet. Yuck overall. I chalked it up to allergies and humidity. Later, I find out I could blame it on poor air quality- that there was even a warning to limit time outside. It really did feel like I was breathing in some sort of sludge. One of my toughest runs in a while.

Overall, the training is going well. I decided upon a 'beginners' marathon training plan and am supplementing it with Insanity workouts (a dvd set of high intensity circuit training). I have two more weeks of the 90 day workout series and will then begin P90X. The high intensity cardio training seems to really be helping with my lactic acid threshold, as well as allowing me to sprint a bit harder. I am enjoying the challenge, and the beginner plan is going to free up a wee bit more time for fundraising.

In the next couple of weeks, I will really be concentrating on nutrition- making sure I am getting the right amount of carbs to keep my fueled. If anyone knows of any good resources, let me know.

Early to bed tonight. I feel like my body needs a long slumber.

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Bluefin Tuna Depletion worries

As I embark on this journey, I feel such anxiety and worry about the state of our oceans. It seems as though people have simply blocked things out of their mind.

Take, for instance, the state of bluefin tuna. Between the insatiable American appetite for sushi and the BP oil spill, their numbers are in serious decline worldwide. They did not make it onto the endangered species list, a move that would have protected them in US waters. Many people would say that tuna are good eatin' so, why not? I would say, why wipe out a species when we have more food options than anywhere else in the world? People seem oblivious to the chain reaction that is caused when we wipe out an entire fish population in the ocean.

I have posted a link to two articles. One about the US depletion and one about the Sea Shepherd Conservation Society who are heading to Libyia to try to stop illegal tuna fishing in a war-torn land. Please read them and consider changing your fish choices. Maybe even consider veganism, for a couple of days a week or a lifetime.

Who is to blame for the surge in sushi popularity anyway? I can think of 7 sushi places I could walk to right now! I blame 'Sex in the City'. Did those ladies eat sushi because it seems like the whole world wanted to follow what they did for a few years? I urge you to go out next time you get sushi- order an avo-cuke roll and an Inari maki (sweet tofu pocket stuffed with rice). Yum yum. Seriously. (And I recommend Fuji in Portland because it is great fun to watch the sushi guys behind the bar check out ladies and snicker to each other in Japanese).

Thursday, June 2, 2011

Portland's Vegan Eateries

I sent out an email to a large portion (okay maybe all) of my email contact list which included a lot of contacts from a vegetarian food festival I previously helped with. The email was a plea for help of any kind- money, food, services, parties...pretty much anything to help with my marathon fundraising and/ or training.

I am currently in awe of how cool our local restaurants are. Green Elephant wrote back within a couple of days to let me know there was a gift card waiting for me at the restaurant and I opened my snail-mail box today to find a gift card from Silly's! I am so very impressed and touched by what I have already received. I live in the right town to do this, I think. Now I just have to decide how to best use my cards....stay tuned!

Wednesday, June 1, 2011


I received my donation page url today. Check it out. It is beautiful. My goal is $2000. I have some real work ahead of me but saving the oceans and the creatures of the oceans is something that I will find energy to try to do. I am perhaps more excited about this than I have been about just about anything.

Saturday, May 28, 2011

Sebago Trekker Pale Ale

So we checked out Sebago Brewing's new location last night. Gorgeous. We also tried their new charity brew- Trekker Pale. Ohmygoodnesssoooogood! I had two pints...okay, maybe three. I woke up this morning pretty sure that my run would be wrecked by such bad/fun behavior. I decided to do an easy jaunt around Back Cove to 'run out the demons'. Once I stretched out, I took off and ran faster than usual the whole time. I ran 8.3 minute miles for the five it takes round trip from my home. I know this probably doesn't sound fast to you long-limbed, lean 'real' runner types but for me it was flying! I think the Trekker Pale has some sort of slow-release carb magic or karmic power that put a strong wind at my back. Cheers, Sebago Brewing! I will be back to test my theory. (

As to the that is the speed I would have to maintain for 26.2 miles if I were to qualify for Boston. Probably not going to happen this year. But it did motivate me to trash my 'beginner' marathon training plan for the intermediate because it doesn't seem to far-fetched after all! And it feels ohsooogood to run the entire Back Cove trail without being passed!

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

3 Round Men

Why is it that people insist upon harassing runners? Why must they shout out their sarcastic encouragement and why is it always when I am at a point of exhaustion and angry adrenaline? Today, returning from Bug Light across the bridge from South Portland, a bit sunburned and tired but feeling strong, at the tip top of a very steep and long ramp that makes one's ass muscles scream out for mercy, I came upon three very round men. One of them was boldly shirtless and exposing his damp, pale hairy chest. 'Run faster. Faster', one of them dared to say to me. I will not repeat exactly what I said in return, but you might be able to figure it out if you try really hard. People are so stupid at times.

I did reward myself with a fantastic smoothie from the Maine Squeeze in the Old Port. 'Fast as Light' is my drink of choice. Pure deliciousness that make me forget for a moment about my beer-bellied enemies. I wish them the ability to keep their mouth shut!

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Stormy Seas

5.4 miles today. I thought I was going to beat the rain. Then, as the sprinkles began, I thought 'this isn't that bad'. Then, it began to pour. Rain in 80 degree weather is nice. Rain in 60 degree weather is tolerable. Rain in 45 degree weather is damn cold. Damn cold.

On a positive note, the bay was stormy as I ran along east end beach. The waves were loud and sloppy. As I stood and looked out, I was reminded how lucky I am to live in this amazing place. I was reminded of the power of the ocean. I was reminded of all that the ocean represents and why I want to do what I can to protect the ocean and the creatures that exist there.

Take a minute today to be thankful for the natural beauty that hasn't yet been ruined and consider doing what you can to protect it!

Sunday, May 15, 2011

Rainy Sunday Run

I just logged 6.7 miles in some misty and rainy conditions. Once I pull my sluggish body outside and begin, I always really enjoy running in this weather. I always feel like a badass while other people are sitting sipping mimosas in the restaurants I run by, looking at me in shock and disgust as if I somehow make them guilty of their bad choices. I was absolutely drenched at the end of it. Coffee has never tasted so good. I better get used to running in this- looks like a few more shit days in the near future. Please summer, come soon.

Friday, May 13, 2011

Sea Shepherd

I recently got word that I will be able to run the Maine Marathon to raise money for Sea Shepherd. I was waiting for a final go-ahead. I will post the donation page address once I get it. As far as training goes, it is GO TIME!
Now it is time to eat clean and healthy, run hills, do speed work, and begin bugging everyone for money. Get ready...

My base runs are around 4.5 miles these days, and my longest has been about 8 miles I think. Time to step it up. I will be running for the sharks, the whales, the seals, and the health of our oceans. That is the best motivation I can think of. Send some good energy my way and stay tuned...

Sunday, May 1, 2011

Brendan Brazier

I just found out Brendan Brazier, vegan tri-athelete and author is most likely coming to Whole Foods in June. I am super excited for that. He is a pretty amazing person. Maybe he can give me a couple of tips for the race!

I have been doing my Insanity workouts every day as well as a short-ish run. My body is tired. I think today will be a rest and refuel day (unless the sunshine guilts me out onto the pavement again). These nice days are so precious after the hellish winter that whenever the sun is out I feel pretty obligated to get out there. But I suppose the sun will be on my balcony as well. I am not so good at the resting part lately...but I know it is just as important as the training.

Monday, April 25, 2011

Easter Sunday

Phew. Survived my first week of insanity training. I felt as if I had bruises all over my body for a few days, my muscles were so sore. I feel great today after a rest day yesterday and a long, slowish run. Is spring finally here? Blossoming trees are fragrant. Song birds are announcing their presence. I was running with a tank top on without even a shiver. There was an icecream truck parked on the Eastern prom. I also ventured out for a stroll with Gavin in the evening. We sat for a bit out by the ferry terminal, at the whale wall. The harbor was glassy and calm and the sky was cotton-candy pink and blue. It was absolutely gorgeous. So warm, in fact, that we decided to neglect our Easter dinner Tofurky and eat dinner at Flatbread on the deck. It was a perfect night. The folks at the next table had two of the cutest little dogs I have ever seen who kept us company as we waited for our pizza and were glued to our side once the pizza arrived, hoping for a crust to be dropped.

I worked through Earth Day, though I was wishing I could have a big celebration. Maybe next year. I will have more information after this week about a bake sale to benefit Sea Shepherd. Probably late summer. So stay posted and happy Monday.

Tuesday, April 19, 2011


A friend lent me the Insanity workout series- a 60 day high-intensity circuit training program. I decided as a runner I could handle the fit test as well as the day 2 workout. I think the only time I have been this drenched in sweat was at a Bikrim yoga class. I had decided that it was probably mostly hype, but now I am a believer. Incredible workout. This should really improve my cardio and lactic acid thresholds for the marathon. Excellent!

Sunday, April 17, 2011

Yeah for Sunday

I started off the day with some serious fuel from the one and only Silly's. It was my first Silly's brunch experience and came complete with complimentary donut holes that they made vegan for me! During the late morning hour, I had a bird's-eye view of the Patriots Day race here in Portland. The winner seemed to be five minutes ahead of the next contender. His stride looked effortless and he gave friendly waves to the crowd as he crossed the finish, as if he was out for a leisurely neighborhood jog. Very very impressive. Mid-day consisted of intervals of napping and reading the NYTimes. The NYTimes magazine had a great article on whether or not sugar is poison. I have already eliminated high fructose corn syrup and have been toying with the idea of as little refined sugar as possible without going crazy. The article argued well enough that I may just religiously avoid the stuff, though I have always been a bit of an enemy of the sugar-haters. Science is science, I suppose. I am trying to squeeze in some longer runs now. I did 50 minutes today and felt great at the end. I think I may try for a bit over an hour next week. Portland is so damn beautiful when it isn't snowing or raining! Showered and in jammies already, I am going to finish the day off by catching up on some more reading, hanging out with Jonas the furball flat-faced kitty, and ....well...I just may have brought home some Silly's vegan cake today that may have to get in my belly!

Saturday, April 16, 2011


Windy run today. This cold has got to end sometime soon! Just had brunch at Local Sprouts Cafe- a vegan BLT on delicious gigantic homemade bread slices, good coffee, and a Bomb Diggity vegan whoopie pie for later. Should have done my long run today perhaps! I am trying to maintain my base and really clean up my diet in the next couple of months before I begin my actual marathon training program. Ummm...after today that is. It is tough to feel motivated with this cold spring weather. Please sun, come soon.

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

green elephant

Just filled up all of those calories I burned today at one of my favorite places to do so: The Green Elephant. It has become such a mecca for us vegans and I am so happy to see that they are busy everytime I go. Chinese brocolli with crispy so fillet, extra spicy. There is absolutely nothing as fabulous as the meal after a long run. And of course I had to come home and bake some vegan cookies and my place smells so wonderfully of gingersnaps. Life is quite good at the moment.

monday run

Almost 60 degrees today! Just finished a long prom-to-prom run and should have worn a t-shirt. This city is so beautiful right now. The kids are in the park, the dogs have their heads out the car window, people are busy getting their boats ready down on the wharf. I feel fortunate to live in a place where natural beauty is still appreciated and conserved. Portland is lucky to have Portland Trails. I am sure I will run them all at some point through the summer. Show Portland Trails some support this Thursday at Portland Pie Company locations. Shipyard is donating money to Portland Trails for every pint sold and you can register early for the Portland Trails to Ale race. I will be doing that one. Running+beer+beautiful scenery+summer=perfection! Happy spring everyone!

I'm Back

I decided to get this blog up and running again as I prepare for the Maine Marathon, which I will be running for a charity that I am very passionate about. I hope that you will keep up with me on my journey. I will be posting some vegan info and probably too many of my meal descriptions, some training information as I begin my training, and some random stuff I want to share about my advocacy for the animals and the oceans as well as some great resources I find along the way. For those of you who are following because you know and love me, thanks for all of your support. For new friends, thanks for checking it out. It is going to be a fun summer!